Get Involved

Apply to be a Member

To become a member of your Neighborhood Association complete the online application. Most NA requirements include living or working within the neighborhood boundaries and providing verification of this eligibility.

Attend a Meeting

See our calendar for upcoming meetings. This is the best way to get your voice heard, meet your fellow neighborhood activists, and get involved in local issues.

Run for Your Neighborhood Board

Neighborhood Associations hold annual elections to decide who will speak for them. For details on when your neighborhood elections are held see our Neighborhoods page and click on the association name of interest.


Join volunteers to help clean-up your neighborhood or restore parks and trails. If you don’t see an organized group here in your area, start your own! See the calendar for more details or contact us to learn more.

  • NWDA Saturday Litter Clean-ups
  • Linnton Annual Litter Patrol
  • Pearl District Clean Team
  • Sylvan-Highlands Annual Solve Clean-up
  • Forest Park Annual Solve Clean-up

See our Volunteer Resources page if you are planning a clean-up yourself and would like to borrow supplies.