Power lines through Forest Park!

Portland General Electric is requesting approval to conduct utility improvements within their existing utility easement in Forest Park. These improvements include shifting the location of one power pole and rewiring a segment of existing transmission line to that new pole and installing two new poles to support a new, 1,400-foot-long segment of transmission lines. The proposed transmission line activities will result in significant impacts to 4.7 acres of natural resources within Forest Park including the removal of 376 living trees and 21 dead trees, permanent fill of two existing wetlands and impacts to two streams.


A stream flows between a packed dirt path to the left, and a fern covered hillside to the right.

Budget Listening Sessions

Community members are invited to join the Portland Mayor and City Council members at one of several listening sessions, in-person or virtually, and share thoughts on how to balance the city’s budget, closing an historic gap between revenues and expenses.

Budget listening sessions will be held in all four districts and virtually in March and April. Anyone from any district can attend any meeting

Preliminary Budget Recommendations

Learn more and find details for participating portland.gov/budget/join

Can’t attend? Share your input through the Budget Comment Form.


Information to join a City of Portland budget listening session, in-person or virtually, and sharing your thoughts about how to balance the city’s budget can be found at Portland.gov/Budget/Join

About Us

We are 32 Portland neighborhoods working toward a livable and sustainable future.

District Four Coalition (D4C) is the DCO representing 32 Neighborhood Associations located in NW, SW, and SE Portland. The geographic area of our coalition area encompasses one of the most varied sections of Portland, Oregon where heavy industry, commerce and a variety of residential communities co-exist with large, pristine natural areas and riparian habitats.

D4C provides a number of different services and programs to neighborhoods and residents within our boundaries. These services range from administrative and communications support to technical assistance, grants, and financial support or fiscal sponsorship of our constituent neighborhoods and aligned community organizations.

D4C also offers a key channel for the city and elected officials to quickly disseminate information to a wide range of neighbors. This all leads to greater livability and harmony in our thriving urban center.

Visit the following links for more information on services we provide, programs we operate, our Staff and Volunteers, and how to get involved.

District Four Coalition Board of Directors meetings are held the 1st Monday of the month at 6pm.

All are welcome to attend.

Zoom meeting link

Current and Previous Board Meeting Materials

The words "Testifying at City Council: Tips and Tricks" Float in the air surrounded by skyscraper buildings.

Presenting to City Council can be daunting. It may appear like a lot of work for unforeseeable results. But short of running for Council yourself, it can be the best way to shape the decision making that affects you.

We’ve compiled some tested advice, whether you’re making your Council debut or hunting for ways to improve.


Check out the most recent edition of D4C Voices!


* indicates required


Learn more about the Programs that D4C operates.


Learn more about the services that D4C provides to our neighbors and community partners.

Meet Your Neighbors

Learn more about the 32 neighborhoods that make up our coalition.

Get Involved

See our Calendar of events and learn about ways to get involved.

Old Town's light up Portland Oregon sign stands against a cloudy sky in the early dusk.

Join a non-profit organization and make an impact in your neighborhood

Support meaningful community initiatives and social causes. Engage in life-changing projects led by passionate volunteers.

Support our coalition by making a donation.




Neighborhood Association Members


Annual Volunteer Hours


Years of Service to Portland Neighborhoods

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead