
In addition to the services that we provide, the D4NC operates 7 different programs designed to accomplish goals ranging from informing and empowering to preparing for emergencies, keeping your person or your property safe and providing way to have real impact on the challenges facing our city. Click the link in the heading of each program to learn more about the individual program and how you can get involved.

Building Diverse Communities
This program uses workshops and round table conversations to address what can be difficult or sensitive issues surrounding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It is facilitated by D4NC staff and Diane Odeh, an outside consultant.

Building Skilled Communities
This program uses one-on-one training, group workshops and skill share events to introduce or develop skills, build capacity, and empower individuals and organizations.

Crime Prevention and Safety
Guided by the D4NC Public Safety Committee, this program is made up of several small programs aimed at support of neighborhood efforts designed to encourage positive activities and community engagement in our streets, events designed to develop productive relationships with PPB, providing information sharing tools, and engagement with the City of Portland’s newly launched Safe Blocks program. In addition, programs aimed at reducing the risk of or impact from wildfire are included.

Guided by the D4NC Homeless/Houseless Team, this program is aimed at providing advocacy for the implementation of Built For Zero, fostering collaboration between community service efforts/organizations active within the NWNW boundaries, and providing pathways for interested persons to take part in efforts underway to address this critical challenge.

Land Use and Transportation
This program seeks to enable effective, efficient communication surrounding different projects taking place in our neighborhoods and the transmission of notices pertaining to those projects that have been received. This is chiefly done via a weekly (or more as needed) Land Use Digest, which is sent from the D4NC Office to designated parties working on land use issues at the neighborhood level.

Emergency Preparedness
The Emergency Preparedness program coordinates emergency preparedness efforts being organized by D4NC neighborhood associations and serves as a link between the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM) and new volunteers. Our current focus in this area is twofold:
1 – Cooperation with and support of PBEM efforts to revitalize Neighborhood Emergency Teams (NETs) in areas where they have gone dormant or were never fully extant. This includes engaging with individual volunteers, NAs, and community partners like BOMA.
2 – Support existing NETs through grant funding, facilitating networking or skill share events, and recruitment of volunteers.

Watershed Health
The watershed resource center is a partnership between D4NC, the City of Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services, and the West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District. Together, these programs deliver several conservation and education programs aimed at enhancing and preserving natural plants and habitat, ensuring the health of watersheds, and mitigating impacts caused by storm water runoff or invasive plant species.